Procuring Mixed Use/Retail Developments
Mixed use developments can vary considerably from a small number of end users, to a complex multi-user, multi-acre sites. LSP specialises in both publicly procured developments led by Local Authorities as well as privately owned sites which the vendors are looking to dispose of.
Typical First Stage
New residential developments will typically require local amenities to serve the new population. LSP will procure a site to provide the community with a vibrant centre. This will include a blend of end-users, usually including GP surgery, convenience retail store and other ancillary retail and residential uses.
Development Understanding
Location is of key importance and our relationship with core end-users gives us a valuable understanding of their location criteria. This may be prominence, demographics or accessibility and car parking. Once a site is established, early due diligence is undertaken to ensure it is developable within the given framework.
Anchor Support
For a mixed use development to be successful, it is vital to have an anchor tenant. This would usually be the convenience store, around which we build a blend of complementary uses, with adequate car parking to ensure on-going vitality.
We recognise the value of partnership and always look to form strong working relationships, including stakeholders such as the land owner, the local authority and end-users. Such partnerships help prevent protracted negotiations and aid delivery to the satisfaction of all concerned.
Publicly Procured Opportunities
LSP has a strong track record in acquiring sites that are being sold by Local Authorities. Having the benefit of completing a large number of publicly procured developments, we have a good understanding of the additional formalities, member approvals and commercial requirements that are unique to public sector developments. We often look to promote healthcare developments on Local Authority owned sites as this offers additional benefits and enables strong partnerships to be formed. A good example is the Primary Care Centre alongside a new Leisure Centre and Library in Blackpool.
Get in touch
Contact the LSP team for further information or to discuss your property requirement.