Woodville Surgery
Tenant Profile:
GP Surgery and integrated Pharmacy
Floor Area (GIA):
GP Surgery; 873 sqm
Pharmacy; 121 sqm
Parking; 34 spaces
Development Value:
£2.13 million
Completion Date:
September 2017
The GPs and patients of Woodville Surgery have moved across the road to a new purpose built medical facility, including an integrated pharmacy run by Dean & Smedley.
LSP, along with Assura, worked proactively with the GPs, CCG and Council to ensure this much-needed project was delivered for the local community on the site of a former car garage.
The building includes for new treatment, consulting and training rooms in a clinical environment that is user friendly and meets all current NHS guidelines.
In addition, as a gesture to the community, LSP worked closely with the local Scout Group to enhance their existing facility to help safe-guard the group into the future.
Project Coordinator: Ed Sutton/James Pritchard - LSP Developments Ltd
Investor/Long Term Owner: Assura Medical Centres Ltd
Architectural Design: West Hart Partnership Ltd
Construction: Key Construction Ltd